Sunday, August 24, 2014


I have become what I detest. I am doing the unthinkable internet crime, what every teenager at ONE (at least one) point in their lives accuses their favorite artist of...I have sold out, gone to the dark side, sold my soul...


That's right folks, I am starting to care about making money, and for the first time, the planets are ligned, and I have opportunities to create pathways and vehicles to make this happen.
I am getting serious about this entrepreneur shit.
I am getting serious about my life.
I am getting serious about not caring how I make the money......

Wait a minute. What did I just say there?

That's right folks, capitalism is getting to me, and I think that I am starting to realize that people WANT to be separated from their money.
And I am simply providing them the opportunity to do that.
'How can I possibly sleep at night' you ask in horror.

Well, I will make millions in the green economy, and the options I am providing people are healthy, positive avenues, ways to give back, to be socially and environmentally responsible. Whether you want to or not. Whether you like it or not.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


So I'm still trying to figure out the arc of this story, the direction it it's facing and so will head. And it may even go around in circles for a little while (I mean if I now me, and I think I do, chances are good). But I diverge...(see what I mean)

If I know one thing in this world, its that life is one giant learning experience. And the purpose of life is then to learn.

Entrepreneurship is no different.
It is one hell of a roller coaster ride. With the constant risk of death.
Don't ever get out of the boat. Kurtz got out of the boat, hell he split from the whole fckng program.

But I'm getting it. After close to 2 years, and possibly driving my business (hopefully not my brand, shit) into the ground (again, hopefully not, but I know what I know and I don't know what I don't know [thanks Donald Rumsfeld you incoherent *&#^~] so time will tell).

And it's Sunday, and I'm doing exactly what I should be doing: organizing my life, planning the week upcoming (goals hopes and dreams oh my!), and probably being the most productive and relaxed I've been in a while. Well one begets the other I know. And now you do too.

I'm done messing around. I'm digging deep and you better watch for it. I'm preparing to explode on the scene y'all. And it will be big, it will be magnificent, I will not be stopped.

"Greatness comes from a combination of hyper-focus and careful cross-training. --Penelope Trunk"


So They say that you aren't supposed to use the internet like a diary, a personal journal, 'no one wants to read your blithering drivel' (look it up). You have to write TO someone They say, one person They say, a specific message They tell me.

I don't know about all that tho, I write for me, and to explore the outer reaches of what the hell I'm doing here anyway.
But I do have things to say, oh, so many things to say. And I really hope that this will turn into something I'm proud of someday, something that people may actually want to read, not because it's about me, but because it's about all of us.

I can only do what I can, I can only look around me at the world as it and time and my life unfold, hand in hand, side by side through this battlefield warzone we call LIFE and I we, all of us, are only seeking definition and clarity (and some of us actively seek oblivion).

I am trying to define what it is I do, and what my skills are, and why we are here, slaving away at the eternal grindstone called 'Capitalism' that we sacrifice our youth to. So I will use this blog to do that, and to shed light on my experiences as I journey through the conundrum of our modern civilization.

I say fck conventional wisdom. Don't tell me what to do, you're not the boss of me.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

What's Credit?

I remember one time in my life, a long long time ago (in a land far far away...ok ok not really) I had a hope, a glimmer of possibility for the future. And then I went to college and got my first credit card, and within six months that dream was gone. I've never been able to recover from that bad credit incident, and it's been living paycheck to paycheck ever since.

Why do I tell you this? Because today I was thinking about credit, and how nice it would be right now if I had a credit card, I may be a little more able to get something off the ground here, something started, even if that is moving (again) to somewhere friendlier than CT. There, yes, I said it. CT is NOT a friendly place. It is a cold hard selfish materialistic place where people stare at you and then give you the finger for looking back at them (*disclaimer This not apply to any of my friends, for I do not hang out very long with dickish people, so y'all are safe, I'm not talking about you right now...I'm talking about Fairfield County).

We have come to live in this world driven strictly by economics, where human isn't human and the other half is unwelcome or driven under the bridge for shelter, left begging for food because the school system sucks and fucking NO ONE is willing to do what it takes to fix it, any of it, for fear they won;t get elected again next year. We rely on things like credit and capital to get us through, 'It takes money to make money' is as true now as ever was. And that pot is shrinking, or stagnant with many (MANY... see any article on 'the current state of entrepreneurialism' in Amerika for reference if you want a piece a this) hands trying to get in the pot.

Just some thoughts to get out of my head, and write my way to mental clarity. It helps, as I have SO much to do with starting this company and finding a job and looking for freelance work and  just living. OK, time to go carve out my section of the pie, time to get my piece.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Titles. Niches. Customer segments. Competition. Subjects. Tags. Topics. Keywords. Products. Headings.

I'm so deep in it right now I kind of forget where I'm going, what I'm doing, or who I am (even, sometimes, OK I went overboard there god leave me alone).
I had a vision once. Then execution happened. Then like the Biblical flood waters it receded, was gone. WTF. Where am I headed? Why am I doing this? (did I say that already...?)

Oh yeah, I remember. To make the world a better place. That's why.

I can't even begin to tell you all the fucked up I see in the world, every day. And since I basically refuse (unconsciously or not SHUT UP) to contribute to a broken system, or to do work that DOES NOT MATTER (refuse to do that is) then here I am, left to pick up the crumbs of this broken system as they fall from that metaphorical table of the ruling elite that is our (America's) oligarchic farcical reality show of a sitcom called 'Politiks'.

And so I'm a multipassionate creative entrepreneur. I do stuff that other people find impossible, in order to kick loose the reality of what I think our world should look like.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” 
― R. Buckminster Fuller

That is my motto. That is my core. That is my mission.

I REALLY want to make urban systems of food waste and energy more sustainable, greener, closer to the ground, and communities more resilient. I want to close loops and divert waste and reuse materials for other things, and all that sexy stuff. I want to grow food in innovative ways in unconventional places. I want to build community, through providing opportunity of increasing interaction between humans and humans, and humans and nature, particularly in the urban setting. I want to create art, and music, and use the fuck out of technology to make our environment, our work, our life, a game of the funnest degree.

 My company is called Kensho SEED, and we provide opportunity through developing green technology infrastructure, and creating a world of opportunity for global urban populations by acting locally first.